Our Business Cloud integration platform suits large and small businesses!
Feel free to contact us to hear how we can help you with integrations (new and old), reporting, budget and forecasting.
+46(0)707 - 81 97 23Read more about what happens at Lundatech, here we gather knowledge and information.
Vår integrationsplattform Business Cloud passar stora som små verksamheter!
Kontakta oss gärna för att höra hur vi kan hjälpa er med integrationer (nya som gamla), rapportering, budget & prognos.
+46(0)707 - 81 97 23Läs mer om vad som händer på Lundatech, här samlar vi kunskap och information.
We feel that companies today spend a lot of time and money on the integration and maintenance of data. Why does it happen and what can be done to avoid the biggest traps and get a version of the truth?
Our co-founder Kalle, together with our CEO Staffan, breaks down the problem and explains how we help our customers and the market achieve smoother integrations with complete cost control.
Are you curious to learn how Business Cloud iPaaS can help your company with integrations and data quality? Contact me below or book a demo and I'll tell you more.
Staffan Hedbrandh, CEO