
Poor quality of input data creates incorrect information in reports

Written by Lundatech | Dec 19, 2022 9:17:47 AM

No matter how good a BI tool is, "crap in, crap out" still applies.

It is more the rule than the exception that we find oddities in new customers' source data when implementing BI solutions. You often have to spend a lot of time in connection with financial statements looking for errors, such as can come from a lack of controls when posting or recording other types of data in their systems. It can both be pure errors that have a direct impact on the business, e.g. that you happen to send an invoice with a due date a year in advance, and about inconsistent data between two different systems that make the business more difficult to follow up, such as article numbers that do not follow the same standard.

A lot of systems can set up restrictions or controls to limit and control what users enter in certain fields, but an additional difficulty is when you have several systems that need to agree with each other without being able to talk to each other, e.g. the order entry in a CRM and an ERP system.

With our DataCheck module, our customers have the opportunity to have the system automatically look for such errors in real time, even between two systems that are not connected, and notify the relevant staff immediately when any errors occur.

Examples of checks that can be made are:

  • Check that accounting entries are not missing or have incorrect mandatory fields
  • Check that the order number is entered correctly on e.g. bills
  • Check that only article numbers found in the article register are used with the correct format in all other systems
  • Check that order entry in CRM matches the invoicing

As our customers, you choose exactly which checks you want to make on your particular data, and can post these yourselves and control who are to be notified. The controls can also e.g. be used to be notified of accounting entries or other changes in your data that you need to keep an extra eye on at your closing - in short, anything that can help to save time on having to look for errors.



Are you curious to learn how Business Cloud iPaaS can help your company with integrations and data quality? Contact me below or book a demo and I'll tell you more.







Staffan Hedbrandh, CEO